Hannah has six new chocolate puppies. Three are girls and three are boys. The three girls are taken but the three males are still available. UPDATE: all puppies have been sold. A $100.00 dollar deposit will reserve the pup of your choice. These pups will be sold with limited registration as pets, not breeders. Call 865 207-1336 or email if you are interested. I will post pictures soon.
She had all chocolate and tans. There are:
3 dapple girls -sold
1 dapple boy - sold
2 solid boys -sold
Also, Schatzi and Juneau had 3 puppies on 3-16 ( yesterday). They are solid black and tans. This litter is no longer available as all puppies have been reserved. *-Ready for new homes on April 28th-* There are :
1 female- reserved for Lisa Counts ( deposit received)
1 female- sale pending to Cindy Formosa ( deposit received)
1 male - sale pending to Cindy Formosa (deposit recieved)
These will be smooth coat and AKC registered.