Born 3-30-2010
Heidi and Juneau have 6 beautiful new chocolate and tan puppies, 3 girls and 3 boys. Two of the girls are dapples. The rest are solid chocolate and tans. Picture coming soon so check back. For information on this new chocolate litter, or call 865-207-1336.
Update: Sold
Juneau has sired a litter of puppies at Welch Dachshunds in Dayton, Tennessee!!
There are 3 beautiful smooth red puppies. Two are females and one is a male. For more information on this litter, go to Welch Dachshunds. Update: the red litter below has been sold.
If you are interested in one of these puppies contact:
Puppies below are sold and are currently with their new families.
Black and tan dapple boy-sold
Black and tan dapple girl -sold
New black and tan dapple litter from Schatzi and Juneau
Sold-chocolate dapple male SOLD
Smooth male chocolate dapple.... "Sold" He is living in Ohio with the Debbie Malone . Call 865-207-1336 or email . Update: this puppy is no longer available.
Two gorgeous smooth males: sold
(September 19, 2009) We still have a chocolate and tan dapple male and a red dapple male waiting to be adopted. They come with full AKC, first shots, and 1st vet check. These boys are gorgeous! I think they will look very much like their father (Juneau) as adults. If you are interested in either of these two boys, email or call (865) 207-1336. I will post more pictures that I took this morning in the next post below. They will be ready for their new homes on September 29th. UPDATE: both are sold
Two smooth male puppies still available
Hazel and Juneau have two smooth male puppies still available. They will be ready for their new homes on Sept. 29th 2009. There is a chocolate and tan dapple and a red dapple with a chocolate nose. Please email or call 865-207-1336 if you are interested in either of these gorgeous boys. They are $500.00 each and come with full AKC papers, first vet check and first shots.
Hazel has 4 new puppies- all males (August 18th)
All sold
New pictures coming soon
Hazel and Juneau have 4 gorgeous new male puppies.
One is solid chocolate and tan- sold to Melanie Holloway.
One is chocolate dapple- sold
Two are red dapples - One is sold to the Laura and Kelly Coltrane,
Email me at Please Click on previous puppies link to see some of our previous puppies.
Hazel and Juneau are expecting chocolates and reds August 17th
Beautiful Black and Tan Longhair Female
This gorgeous girl is still available from Welch Dachshunds. Update: sold Click here to go to their site.
The two puppies below have been sold
The pup in the top picture is sold. The pup in the two pictures below is sold to Judy Edwards. His name is Tank.
Chocolate and tan male: Sold to Judy Edwards
Below is an update on the puppy above from his new owner, Judy Edwards.
Chocolate and tan male: Sold to Judy Edwards
Below is an update on the puppy above from his new owner, Judy Edwards.
Hi Judy,
I just wanted to update you on our wonderful puppy. We named him Tank. He is absolutely beautiful and was nothing short of the best puppy ever from day one. He never once even cried at night in his kennel. Our older dog took to him pretty quickly, and Tank just loves him to pieces. In fact, Tank loves everyone! The word most used when it comes to describing Tank is "cool". He is so laid back and content and, well, just a really cool dog. He was obviously very well cared for prior to him becoming a part of our family. We love him dearly, and can't thank you enough for breeding such wonderful dogs. I'm glad we found you!
Judy Edwards and family
I just wanted to update you on our wonderful puppy. We named him Tank. He is absolutely beautiful and was nothing short of the best puppy ever from day one. He never once even cried at night in his kennel. Our older dog took to him pretty quickly, and Tank just loves him to pieces. In fact, Tank loves everyone! The word most used when it comes to describing Tank is "cool". He is so laid back and content and, well, just a really cool dog. He was obviously very well cared for prior to him becoming a part of our family. We love him dearly, and can't thank you enough for breeding such wonderful dogs. I'm glad we found you!
Judy Edwards and family
Current picture of Tank below.
Call 865-207-1336 or email now for more information. Their pet price is $450.00 each.
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